UAS Laws Evolving to Make Room for Drones

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have taken to the airways and are transforming how UAS laws and the aviation industry thinks about package delivery, inspections, surveillance and a broad array of commercial applications. Amazon recently cleared a major hurdle in its quest to revolutionize package delivery through the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) or drones, as they are popularly known.
The company joins a select group of other companies as the latest to receive air carrier certification from the Federal Aviation Administration under Part 135 of the Federal Regulations. Part 135 certification enables Amazon the opportunity to transport goods by air for compensation. However, Amazon’s certification only represents a small victory. Companies like Amazon who are seeking to establish drones as a viable means of package delivery still face considerable regulatory impediments such as limitations on the operation of drones over people and those taking place beyond a pilot’s line-of-sight.
Ethan M. McInteer can help businesses and individuals decipher the evolving UAS laws and regulations, including aviation, privacy, security and communications, ultimately helping to realize the full potential of drones.