On April 14, 2012, the bowling teams of Klenda Austerman were out in full force raising money for the Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. Appearing for the 7th time in the Law Firm Bowl, Klenda maintained high hopes of securing the travelling champion’s trophy for the 4th consecutive year by raising the most funds of all participating law firms. Klenda sadly fell this year to 2nd place, but several individual bowlers redeemed the 1st place loss with their individual fundraising.  Klenda Legal Assistant Sharon Kincaid won 2nd place in the individual fundraising category among all participants, and attorney Mike Baumberger took 4th place in this category.

BBBS matches volunteer adults with children, most whom come from single parent households and low-income families.  BBBS believes in nurturing children to help them achieve their full potential.  The Bowl-a-thon is one of the organization’s largest fundraisers. For more information on this organization visit BBBS online.

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