Estate Planning
Klenda Austerman LLC prides itself on our professional and personal attention for our estate planning attorneys during times of need, being sensitive to the needs of both estates and their beneficiaries. Wills and trusts are created for many reasons. Traditionally, they are used to specify a plan of distribution among selected persons, to manage property transferred to minor children, to provide for a surviving spouse or child, and to preserve family property for the benefit of succeeding generations. Such preservation takes into account not only the reduction or elimination of delays and administration costs, but also the tax consequences of family property transfers. In some cases, it may be desirable to transfer property between family members to provide support for an impaired or spendthrift child or surviving parent, to fund a college education, or to provide protection from excessive tax burdens. Often equally important are questions of probate administration and even the avoidance of probate altogether.
Klenda Austerman LLC’s estate planning attorneys prepare for the orderly and tax planned distribution or gratuitous transfers of property at any time and for a variety of reasons and assist clients in arranging for the management of property during one’s life.
The tax aspects of wills and trusts remain increasingly complex. The concentrated practice of wills, trusts, estates and probate continues to be more important due to this complexity. The ability to concentrate and stay current in this constantly changing area of law puts Klenda Austerman LLC estate planning attorneys in an advantageous position to assist our clients.
Many techniques available in this area of law are more suited to larger estates; others may be appropriate for estates of almost any size. Indeed, the importance of timely, cost efficient, and tax-free transfers of property can be most critical when the estate value is modest.