A DUI Lawyer Can Help You Avoid Your Own Personal “Fiscal Cliff”
The U.S. government has been in the midst of an ongoing conundrum commonly referred to as the “fiscal cliff”. If images of the end of the popular film Thelma and Louise come to mind when you hear this phrase then you might not be far off. While Congress and the President have reached an agreement, absent that, dramatic and potentially disastrous economic consequences could have resulted.
Similarly, one who is charged with DUI faces his or her own personal fiscal cliff. Along with the more commonly known penalties such as jail time and astronomical fines, you might not be aware of many of the other “hidden costs” associated with a DUI. Those can include, but are not limited to potential job loss, court costs, DUI education class fees, treatment costs, drug and alcohol testing fees, probation fees, diversion fees, ignition interlock installation and maintenance fees, driver’s license suspension, revocation and/or restriction, and all of the costs associated with having one’s driver’s license reinstated when eligible.
Having to fork over literally thousands of dollars could send nearly any everyday person over their own fiscal cliff. In order to avoid the effects of this potentially disastrous personal fiscal cliff it is important that one never drink and drive. Find a friend, call a cab or other ride service if you have been out drinking. In the unfortunate event that you are arrested and charged with DUI in the state of Kansas, then you should immediately contact a DUI lawyer. The area of DUI law is complex and rife with pitfalls. An experienced DUI lawyer may help you avoid your own personal fiscal cliff.
Klenda Austerman attorney M. Blake Copper can assist you with DUI or other associated charges including Possession of Controlled Substances/Drugs, Minor in Consumption (MIC), or Minor in Possession (MIP). You may contact Blake at bcooper@klendalaw.com.
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