Project #4: Boy Scouts of America – The Popcorn Colonel
Individual Highlight: Scott Eads
The Boy Scouts of America is one of the most well known and largest youth development organizations in the country. BSA provides a “program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.”
Boy Scout Troop 533 was chartered in Andover, Kansas and has been active in that community since 1948. Each December, the troop conducts its largest fundraiser of the year, the Annual Popcorn Sale. KMAZ partner, Scott Eads, dubbed the “Popcorn Colonel,” organizes, coordinates, and processes almost $30,000.00 of popcorn sales from his garage as the maestro of this event. Scott has participated with his children in Troop 533 for fourteen (14) years, and has been coordinating the popcorn fundraiser for the last three (3) years. Proceeds from the sales are used to cover expenses for monthly and annual camping trips or other scouting events.