Project #11: Run Across America with Dean Karnazes

The issues of childhood obesity and malnourishment are frequently making headlines – not in third world countries but right here in the United States. Some now consider childhood obesity a national epidemic with nearly 1 in every 3 American children being overweight or even obese – a condition that puts these children at high risk for diabetes, heart disease, and even some types of cancer. Action for Healthy Kids is an organization that partners with schools …

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Project #10: KPTS Telethon

KPTS describes itself as “a local public television station whose mission is to educate the community, engage and challenge minds, entertain Kansans and enrich society through quality programming and civic leadership.” On March 9, 2011, thirteen (13) members of the Klenda, Mitchell, Austerman & Zuercher LLC team participated in the KPTS Pledge Drive, answering phones and accepting pledges on behalf of the public television station. The team raised $1750 in total. Thanks to all who participated: Chasity Helm, Dee …

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Project #9: Friends University Lady Falcon Softball Tournament

The 4th Annual Friends University Lady Falcon Softball Invitational exclusively sponsored by Klenda, Mitchell, Austerman & Zuercher LLC was held on March 4th and 5th.  In 2 days, 23 teams representing 8 conferences from 7 states played over 50 games. KMAZ Member Chris McElgunn threw out the first pitch of the Lady Falcon’s 6 o’clock game! He had worked on his underhand windmill pitch all week and, getting the ball all the way to home plate, …

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Project #8: Pull for Ronald McDonald House

Little houses have popped up all around the KMAZ office. They are the Pull Tab Collection houses for Ronald McDonald House Charities Wichita. RMHC Wichita McDonald House provides support and programs to directly improve the health and well being of sick children.  Knowing the value of having family around when a child is sick, RMHC Wichita seeks to lessen the burden and ensure families have the resources needed to get their children better and keep …

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Who’s Who of Aviation Lawyers 2011

Klenda Austerman LLC Member Chad Nelson was named to the International Who’s Who of Aviation Lawyers 2011. He is one of only 409 lawyers from 61 jurisdictions named as a leader in his field, and the only lawyer named from the State of Kansas.

Super Lawyers

Klenda Austerman LLC Members Gary Austerman and J. Michael Morris, selected for inclusion in the 2010 Missouri and Kansas Super Lawyers listing, will appear in the inaugural nation publication, Super Lawyers Business Edition.  Austerman was listed as a Super Lawyer practicing in the areas of Personal Injury Defense: Medical Malpractice and Morris was listed as a Super Lawyer practicing in the areas of Bankruptcy & Creditor/Debtor Rights.  This is Austerman’s and Morris’s third consecutive listing with the group. Super …

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Project #7: Dress Down for Dress for Success

Dress for Success (DFS) is a non-profit organization whose primary mission is to provide disadvantaged women re-entering the workforce with interview and office appropriate clothing. A DFS client receives at least one interview appropriate business suit allowing her to participate in her job search feeling confident and reassured. Dress for Success Wichita (DFSW), an affiliate of the national DFS organization, goes above and beyond just providing a suit for its clientele. DFSW’s primary goal is to make every woman …

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Project #6: Bowl-a-thon for the Greater YMCA’s Strong Kids’ Campaign

On February 11, 2011, the KMAZ bowling team participated in the YMCA Bowl-a-thon and raised $600 for the Greater Wichita YMCA’s annual Strong Kids’ Campaign.  KMAZ first joined the cause in January with its participation in the 8thAnnual Frosty 5k.  The bowling event better served a few of those souls who wanted to support the program but could not bear the sub-freezing degree weather of the Frosty 5k.  The annual Strong Kids’ campaign raises funds for …

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Project #5: Polar Bear Plunge to Benefit Special Olympics Kansas

The mission of Special Olympics Kansas is to empower individuals with intellectual disabilities to become physically fit, productive and respected members of society through sports competitions, health and nutrition programs and leadership development. In 1968, Special Olympics Kansas sent a delegation of six (6) athletes to the Special Olympics Summer Games at Soldier Field in Chicago. Today, the organization provides athletic training, health education and competition opportunities for more than 5400 athletes with intellectual disabilities …

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Project #4: Boy Scouts of America – The Popcorn Colonel

Individual Highlight: Scott Eads The Boy Scouts of America is one of the most well known and largest youth development organizations in the country. BSA provides a “program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.” Boy Scout Troop 533 was chartered in Andover, Kansas and has been active in that community since 1948.  Each December, the troop conducts its largest fundraiser of the year, …

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